2954 Ship Showdown: Terrapin for the win!
2954 Ship Showdown: Terrapin for the win!
The Terrapin is the best ship for the 2954 Ship Showdown! The biggest reason is it has been teasing all of us each year till now with out a win!! I believe it should at least get a top 4 but would prefer it win over all this year!
My number one reason for trying to convince ya all it should win is that if it wins we will finally see a skin for it! I also believe with a win it may bump up CIG’s priority list a tiny bit. Unlike the ship it will be competing vs the next round, the Terrapin seems downright affordable compared to the 600i Explorer for the average gamer both in game and in our web hangers! (if 220usd can be considered affordable! I don’t have one yet for sure in my web hanger, but this Showdown may change that!).
Good things come to those who vote ‘Terrapin’??
/start conspiracy theory
Honestly a very small thought of mine is that they have been holding off on making the Terrapin gold standard as well as variations until it wins a top 4 or over all Ship Showdown event. If the Terrapin wins, it should have spiked sales, and reaffirm in CIG’s eyes and wallets that the Terrapin can be a money maker for them. They may even have something ready to go soon after IAE if it wins, or at least a plan to get something on the roadmap related to it.
/end conspiracy theory.
What makes it so great currently?
Here is a image of some cargo I placed in the back of the Terrapin. It is a bit of a tight fit but it is possible! I am sure the Terrapin will be able to carry more cargo in the future if we get a cargo variant of it! As you can see 5SCU is an EASY fit, even with the scanner station. With my awful packing skills I ended up blocking the bed. But if I packed it better I bet I could get the bed to still be accessible as well as adding 1 or more SCU.
Try as I could I was unable to get a Nox to fit inside, I have heard others have done it! But here is my results! Terrapin 1 Nox 0.
Future variants??? I know my photo shop skills are amazing, but these are not ingame yet :(
Next I will give a couple examples of what I, in my glorious insanity, think may be the interior layout for a few variants. To get started here is a (dated, I will attempt to show the changes with my next level Photoshop skillz!) cutout interior of the Terrapin. I will be using this as a base for my ideas.
Terrapin Cargo Variant!
Here you can see an amazing picture showcasing my photoshop skills! As you can see I have a feeling that a Cargo variant of the Terrapin could very well hold 12SCU of cargo (the Red area)! Potentially 16SCU even. On my image I show where the default component locations are in Blue. In Green I show my revised location for storing gear on the wall shared with the exit (the yellow rectangle) and lastly the restroom is marked in brown.
Terrapin Combat Ambulance Variant!
Here comes the Wambulance! I have changed the normal bed to a med bed. And added 3 more. I believe that 3-4 med beds can fit the Terrapin. I think they should all be t3 beds suited to rapid recover of combat personal in harsh environments that the Terrapin can easily shrug off. In this image the beds are in Red. The pink are medical displays as well as medical storage areas. There is a restroom/sanitation area marked in brown.
Terrapin Dropship Variant!
For my last photoshop example I give you the dropship! In this example I removed the bed and restroom. But added 3 rows of seating as well as gun racks. I imagine this variant would be used for hot landing zones or commando drops. The seating and racks are in dark Green, The guns in redish-brown. The gun racks may also be on back wall and wall with door.
Of course there are MANY possibilities for the Terrapin. A hardened front line news ship, a science vessel, Many more that I cant even think of! Please tell me your ideas. Hopefully I can put out another article updated with all your suggestions.
Please help me by reporting any errors Here!
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