4 Banu standing side by side in a concept art picture

As the Star Citizen community eagerly anticipates the upcoming Alien Week 2953, speculation is mounting about potential new ship releases. One ship that’s been generating a buzz is the Banu Triptaker. Based on details gleaned from the recent “A Gift from Baba Part 3” story, this ship could be a fascinating addition to the Star Citizen universe. Here’s what we know so far and why it might be unveiled during the event.

The Triptaker: A Glimpse into Banu Craftsmanship

The Triptaker, as portrayed in the story, is a ship of comparable size to the Constellation, notable for its vertical-style docking port. This unique design feature offers an immersive climbing entrance into the main chamber, deviating from the conventional horizontal docking ports. It is plausible to speculate that the Banu employ this deliberate design choice as a subtle strategy to keep visitors off balance during negotiation and trade processes, potentially giving the Banu an advantageous position in such interactions.

Once inside, the Triptaker reveals its true grandeur. The main chamber is a testament to the intricate and detailed craftsmanship of the Banu. Bathed in warm lighting, the room showcases a patchwork of different materials and patterns along the curving, sweeping walls, culminating in a high pointed arch. The forward end of this chamber boasts a lavish table surrounded by thick cushions, creating an atmosphere of luxury and comfort. The chamber also houses a collection of small, rare items, hinting at the ship’s potential for trade and display.

In addition, it is likley that the Triptaker may include additional rooms to cater to various needs. For instance, there will likley be a prision area designed to confine indentured servants during transit, ensuring their secure containment. Furthermore, a dedicated cargo area will of course be present to store and transport trade goods efficiently.

Why the Triptaker Might Be Released Soon

The recent release of information about the Triptaker in the “A Gift from Baba Part 3” story suggests that the ship might be closer to release than we think. The Triptaker’s medium/large size and the existing Banu assets from the Merchantman and Defender could potentially expedite its development, especially if the ship’s design centers around a trading and display room that use the majority of its space.

It is evident that there is a need for the release of more large, medium, and small ships from the Banu before unveiling the Banu Merchantman (BMM). Considering the significant anticipation surrounding the BMM, it is reasonable to assume that the Banu brand holds a higher priority compared to other alien brands. This assumption is supported by the fact that the Banu Merchantman is expected to be the first player-owned capital alien ship in the game. As a result, the Banu’s expansion in ship offerings is likely to be a focal point sooner then later.

In the Star Citizen Live: Invictus All-Vehicles Roundtable, there were instances where the importance of expanding the ship lineup for manufacturers before introducing capital ships was emphasized. Such information and discussions surrounding the need for a broader range of ships for manufacturers are leading to my speculation that it could be paving the way for the Triptaker as a potential release for Alien Week 2953.

Speculating on the Price and the ‘Alien Tax’

If the Triptaker were to be released, I would venture a guess that it might be priced around $350, or $300 if only concepted. While the ‘alien tax’ often inflates the price of alien ships, the Triptaker might be an exception. Most alien ships are also dedicated fighters, attracting both the alien tax and the dedicated fighter tax. However, the Triptaker, like the relatively affordable Railen, is not a dedicated fighter, which could make it a more budget-friendly option for an alien ship.

As we approach Alien Week 2953, the Triptaker remains an exciting possibility. Only time will tell if this intriguing ship will make its debut during the event. Stay tuned for more